Home made shikhye (Korean traditional rice juice) – using instant pot

Home made shikhye (Korean traditional rice juice) – using instant pot

Making shikhye was quite difficult but with instant pot it became much easier! Can’t believe I’m making it in the US. Enjoyed making and having the shikhye at home.



Adding a bit of sesame oil to bulgogi makes it more flavory

Kimchi tuna chige/jjigae

Kimchi tuna chige/jjigae

Spicy sour kimchi jjiage tastes especially good when the weather is chilly

Subuta (sour pork) with bokchoy

Subuta (sour pork) with bokchoy

Normally subuta, a Japanese dish is made with vegetables like pimang and onions. This time I tried with bokchoy and it’s quite good.

Bossam (steamed pork with kimchi)

Bossam (steamed pork with kimchi)

Juicy soft pork belly meat meets the kimchi and it’s calld bossam. Wrap the meat with kimichi as you eat and feel the grease more tasty.

Chuseok (Korean thanksgiving) Foods

Chuseok (Korean thanksgiving) Foods

Love the Chuseok foods and the festive atmosphere gathering with families and relatives. Although I couldn’t celebrate it with many people due to the COVID, making and having the food at home was quite relieving in the US. I hope all the bad virus us 

Galbi jjim

Galbi jjim

Galbijjim is one of my favorite Korean dish. It is often made for celebrations or traditional holidays or health recovery. Chuseok is full of tasty dish at home.

Samsekjeon, ehobak jeon, mushroom jeon

Samsekjeon, ehobak jeon, mushroom jeon

Jeon is a traditional type of Korean pancake. Especially jeon for Chuseok, it takes quite a long time to make these. Doing it with many family members spliting the role for each procedure gets the task done earlier, however this time of year because of 

Wanja jeon(meat pancake)& beef radish soup

Wanja jeon(meat pancake)& beef radish soup

For Chuseok, wanjajeon/dongurangddeng and sogogi mukkuk is also one of the popular foods made at home.



To feel the Chusoek (Korean Thanksgiving day) mood, foods like japchae is a must for me. People in Korea have chusoek food for almost like a week making them in bulk to share with the whole relatives when they gather.