Independence day fireworks

Independence day fireworks

Non stop fireworks for 20mins straight! Key bridge was a good place to have a look but would try going to the national mall next time thinking how early we arrived and waited there.



Haven’t played pools in years and was delighted to play one game.

Around the Theodore Roosevelt Island

Around the Theodore Roosevelt Island

Not much of a shade on the way if going on foot/bike/scooter on a very sunny day. The view was peaceful and calming though sweating a lot.

Afternoon tea set

Afternoon tea set

Preparing for a colorful afternoon tea set usually takes longer time than eating and enjoying time. It’s not made often but having an afternoon tea set is always right. Cake, cookie, and ice cream are missing today.



Samgyubsal eaten as ssam(wrap) with sesame leaves taste really good. Kimchi normally goes really well with the pork dishes of Korea



Making one’s own bouquet outside on a fine day is such a healing refreshment

Grilled chicken skewer and bibim noodle

Grilled chicken skewer and bibim noodle

Yakitori goes well with cold bibim noodles in summers

Toowoomba pasta

Toowoomba pasta

This sauce has irregistible taste and smell once you start eating you will be finishing the dish soon.



Having it at least once in summer is cool for watermelon lovers