Nintendo switch ; Animal crossing / 모여라 동물의 숲 모동숲 / あつまれどうぶつの森
Welcome to island Hadahaa. I named it after the island I visited for my honeymoon. The island I could never forget.

I’ve been playing this game for about a year and it is the best game ever. It’s hard to get bored for decor lovers, featuring my own island, house interior, character avatar as I collect items, there’s so much to do. Plus enjoying seasonal events, hunting-gathering, bringing and chatting with animals are just so much fun. Can feel the relaxing atmosphere of the sea shores, change of the weather and colors of seasons of the island if you play it real time setting. I’m making my island with a theme of a cool resort.
Please visit my island with the dream code DA-3811-2988-4047. There’s more to see from the island other than the pictures uploaded here and the decorations are on going as well when new items are released. Also, try various angles up and down for taking photos when you find a good view spot.