Portland-Oregon Nature-Seattle (2. Oregon Nature: Mt Hood, Trillium Lake, Columbia River, Multnomah Falls, roses)
We rented a car for a day to have a look around further from the Portland area.

Mt Hood. It was so high that clouds hung at the top of the mountain often and on the way to the top we went through a foggy cloudy air area.

Looks like some kind of legendary creature would be dwelling somewhere. It’s that looking gorgeous from far. Some people were carrying some skiing tools even though it was summer.

Trillium Lake. The view of this place was stunning I wish I had more time to spend there for a boat ride. There was a boat rental place.

Columbia River. We drove along the river looked so peaceful.

Multnomah Falls. Second Highest Fall in the US with a bridge (Benson bridge) in the middle that you could climb the hill path not that steep in less than 30 min walk.

International Rose Test Garden. Lots of variety of Roses around the world in this garden. It was good to take a walk among the pretty roses.

I really enjoyed the beautiful scenery while spending time in Oregon nature.
I highly recommend you make time to visit these places if you are in Portland.