Tag: 2021

Pork miso soup Tonziru

Pork miso soup Tonziru

Getting Japanese ingredients in the US is not so difficult and the foods taste just like what you can make in Japan

Afternoon tea set

Afternoon tea set

Preparing for a colorful afternoon tea set usually takes longer time than eating and enjoying time. It’s not made often but having an afternoon tea set is always right. Cake, cookie, and ice cream are missing today.



Samgyubsal eaten as ssam(wrap) with sesame leaves taste really good. Kimchi normally goes really well with the pork dishes of Korea



Making one’s own bouquet outside on a fine day is such a healing refreshment

Grilled chicken skewer and bibim noodle

Grilled chicken skewer and bibim noodle

Yakitori goes well with cold bibim noodles in summers

Toowoomba pasta

Toowoomba pasta

This sauce has irregistible taste and smell once you start eating you will be finishing the dish soon.



Having it at least once in summer is cool for watermelon lovers

Cold noodle

Cold noodle

Perfect menu for summers to cool down



当地でゼリーの素というと、このJELL-Oという商品がメジャーなようです。 ゼラチンと砂糖、香料のミックスなのでほとんどゼリエースと同じではないかと思います。 沸騰させた水を1カップ入れて粉を溶かし、常温の水を1カップでのばします。そして冷蔵庫で冷やして固める。この作り方もゼリエースと同じ。ちなみに、沸騰した水を1.5カップにして、常温の水の代わりに氷を入れると早く固まるという方法もパッケージに紹介されています。 米国の1カップは240mlだということを知らず、200mlで作ってしまいました。ちょっと硬くなるかも。 グラスに少なめにゼリーを作って、スプーンで掻き混ぜて崩してからサイダーを入れて食べるとうまいのです。

Cheese sandwich

Cheese sandwich

Fruits smoothies always go well with sandwiches. Strawberry banana smoothy is one of the favorites these days.